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EASP – European Association of Social Psychology

Invitation to submit abstracts for joint EASP – CuPsyNet small group meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus (22-23 November 2024)

29.08.2024, by Media Account

Deadline: 30 September, 2024

Dear colleagues,

The Department of Psychology at the University of Cyprus is accepting abstract proposals by September 30th, 2024, for a small group meeting titled "European Network Meeting for Sociocultural Psychology" which is funded by the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) and co-organised by the Cultural Psychology Doctoral Network (CuPsyNet) ( The meeting will take place in Nicosia, Republic of Cyprus, between November 22-23rd, 2024. The small group meeting is open to both members of EASP and CuPsyNet.

The meeting aims to achieve several key objectives:

● Facilitate the dissemination of new research within the field of sociocultural psychology,
● Promote dialogue and ideas’ exchange among researchers in the field, regardless of their level
● Offer a platform for critical engagement with the role of sociocultural psychologists in today's society
● Strengthen and expand the network of researchers interested in sociocultural psychology

With these aims in mind, junior and senior sociocultural psychologists will meet and exchange ideas through presentations and discussions around a variety of sociocultural-psychological topics as well as through structured discussions on methodology and the current development of alternative methodologies in social psychology. Thus, the open call for abstract submission is open to a variety of topics around social and cultural psychology.

The meeting will be dedicated to early-career researchers and PhD students who are in the process of conducting their research and designed primarily to foster connections among social and cultural psychologists. Participants are encouraged to submit abstracts for 15-minute presentations followed by a 15-minute discussions. We welcome submissions from researchers at all career stages, particularly PhD students and early-career scholars.

In case you're interested to attend, please fill out this application form by September 30th, 2024:

We will let you know whether your abstract has been accepted by the first week of October 2024.

For inquiries or to express interest in participating, please contact:
Elisavet Panagiotou, PhD candidate, Department of Psychology, University of Cyprus,
Eleni Anastasiou, PhD candidate, Department of Psychology, University of Cyprus,

Best regards,
The organisers
Elisavet Panagiotou and Eleni Anastasiou
Dr Irini Kadianaki, Dr Maria Ioannou and Dr Charis Psaltis
Genetic Social Psychology Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Cyprus