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EASP Bulletin     @easpinfo


Dear Members, Colleagues and Friends,

Summer is just around the corner, and the temperature is moving above zero also in the darkest corners of the north (aka Sweden). Thus, it’s time for a new issue of the Bulletin full of relevant news and updates on our key activities.

As usual, there are a lot of interesting topics for our members. However, I want to draw your specific attention to two topics. First, we are very happy to say a big congratulation to Professor Naomi Ellemers, Utrecht University, who received the prestigious Aristotle award from the European Federation of Psychologists Associations this year!

Moreover, there are some particularly important news in the Presidential Corner in this issue. We have before us some quite dramatic changes for our association, partly because of the changing landscape with regard to publication practices, and partly due to changing tax laws in the EU. I strongly recommend you to thoroughly take part of the Presidential Corner, where you can learn more about what is going on, how our organisation will be affected, and how you can contribute to shaping the EASP in the future.

We wish you all a great spring and summer season.

On behalf of the Executive Committee
Torun Lindholm and Tina Keil

Times they are a changin’

President's Corner

Dear Members,

The political and economic implications of Brexit are broadly and extensively covered by the media. But what about the implications for science? First and foremost, cooperation between the UK and continental European researchers will become more difficult, for example if the UK will not participate in the European funding programs anymore. But Brexit has also implications for the EASP as an organisation. Most of the EASP’s income is paid to us by Wiley in British Pounds – which has decreased in value since the Brexit vote. In other words, the EASP’s budget has been suffering from the Brexit vote – so far not substantially, nor to a harmful extent, but we need to closely monitor the developments.

Unfortunately, this is not the only threat to association’s budget: The coalition-s has increased the speed in the change towards Open Access publishing in Europe. As such, the trend towards Open Access is definitely desirable - knowledge generated with public funding should be freely accessible for everyone. However, the current changes also have a downside. The trend towards Open Access publishing means that the current publication model will soon vanish, and with it the income which most scientific associations gain through journal publication. Many journals are (co-)owned by scientific associations and these associations – including the EASP – profit from the current subscription model. The trend towards Open Access leads to new arrangements between publishers and library consortia like the recent agreement between Wiley and the German consortium DEAL. DEAL managed to negotiate a lower price (almost 50 % less) for journal access. Ideally, this might create degrees of freedom in the university budgets, in a less ideal case the saved funds remain at a federal level and will not lead to more financial breathing space at universities. What is often overlooked in this context is the party that is earning less under these new deals: Scientific societies. In the case of the EASP, the reduced costs for journal access mean that we will very soon have less money for travel grants, seedcorn grants, small group meetings, and summer schools. We may have to increase the fees for the GM, too. In sum, there are definitely reasons to be happy about Open Access arrangements, but it will most likely soon lead to less resources for the support of (junior) researchers and may require compensation out of budgets that may or may not benefit from these changes. In the end, it is a zero-sum game and it is questionable if the funds freed at one end of the academic world will actually be made available to those who need it (for more information about this issue, see "Open Access - what scientists need to know now" by Kai J. Jonas).

A final development that many of you might have recognised in your local institutions also hit the EASP. Universities and scientific associations have long been treated more liberal than businesses by tax authorities. However, this now changes step by step, and it seems that the EASP will very likely also be affected by this change. So far, we have managed not to pay taxes because we spent our income for charitable purposes. However, at the same time we are engaging in business activities by virtue of our journal co-ownership and royalty contracts with the publishers. Given current changes in tax regulations, the EASP might be requested to pay taxes already from this year onwards. We are working with tax advisors to secure the best possible solution and to reduce taxable income to a minimum.

Taken together, the EASP is facing small, but altogether substantial threats to her budget and we cannot discount them any longer.

Due to all these unfavorable changes in the societal context, the EASP in its current form might not survive too long, if we do not initiate a substantial change. Thus, the Executive Committee of the EASP has concluded that the EASP needs to develop a vision that will allow us to keep the association in good shape and to survive the current changes without giving up our activities in support of social psychology in Europe – and in particular not the activities in support of early career researchers and those leading to more diversity of European social psychology. As a consequence, the EC decided has to implement a number of steps to secure its future and to maintain the capacity to act.

As a first step, we have decided to implement a means to warrant continuity: the introduction of a new role, namely that of a President-Elect. Up to now, the EASP has elected the president on the day the presidency started (i.e., after the business meeting at each GM). In contrast, most other scientific associations have a president-elect that becomes a member of the board one term before the presidency starts. This procedure allows for continuity and long-term strategies, and will from now on also be applied by the EASP. For this reason, the members of the EC who will serve another three years after the 2020 General Meeting in Krakow, have jointly decided which one of them will serve as the EASP’s next president (for details see “Next EASP Presidency”, below).

For the second major step towards the EASP’s future, the Executive Committee of the EASP will hold a Vision Workshop in October. A selection of members from different career stages will be invited based on self-nomination. The aim of this workshop is to develop ideas regarding what functions the EASP should have for the scientific community within our field for the next decade or two. The EASP was initially founded to provide a platform for the upcoming discipline of social psychology in Europe in the 1960’s. Nowadays, social psychology is a well-established discipline in most European countries. The discipline, and with it our association, have to deal with different challenges – those mentioned above, but also a number of other pertinent issues. We are still in the aftermath of the replication crises; we need to create and explain the societal relevance of our discipline, and last but not least we need to secure a place for European social psychology in a global scientific area. These and other aspects at the current stage of our discipline and the societal context in which we conduct research should be considered in the Vision Workshop. We invite your contribution as participant or in the form of a written statement (see below for the call).

With this workshop we would like to give you and all members of the association a strong voice in the change process. Our standing orders do not really define such processes of reflection, yet, we (the EC) believe that it is timely to engage with members on this matter and to not only leave this for a discussion amongst the EC. We will provide feedback of the workshop results and present an outline of the future path during the General Meeting in Krakow next year.

Kind regards,
Kai Sassenberg

Call for participation: EASP’s Vision Workshop

EASP Vision Workshop

The EASP will hold a vision workshop in Amsterdam from October 16th, 2019, 2pm until October 17th, noon. During the workshop, we aim to develop the corner stones of the vision that will guide the EASP for the next decade and beyond, regarding:

  • the activities organised and supported,
  • the services offered,
  • the organisational structure of the association, and
  • our finances.

We invite members at all stages of their scientific career, from advanced graduate students to senior scientists, to participate. In particular, members who could envision to run for the next election of the Executive committee (EC) are welcome.

We will select participants based on the EASP’s diversity policies to make sure that the breadth of our membership is being reflected. Travel and accommodation expenses for the participants will be covered by the association.

Please indicate your interest via email to Sibylle Classen ( before June 1st, 2019. Please include a motivation statement (max. 500 words) and provide information about your gender, age, nationality, year of highest degree, international experience, and current position (e.g., in a short CV). Please also indicate in a short separate statement, if you are interested in becoming an EC member and with which goals.

We also welcome written contributions to the workshop from those who are willing to share their ideas about the associations future, but will not be able to participate in the workshop. Please send these ideas before September 1st, 2019 to Kai Sassenberg (

Open Access – what scientists need to know now

Kai J. Jonas

The increasing prevalence of open access deals between national consortia, library networks, and universities on the one hand, and journals on the other hand has a number of consequences that scientists need to take into account. The world of scientific publishing is changing dramatically these days. This is an extremely fluid context at the moment, with many changes occurring, problems vanishing and novel ones coming up. Scientists need to familiarise themselves with Open Access options: Gold open access denotes an OA version where an author publishes their article in an online open access journal. In contrast, green open access denotes a format where an author publishes their article in any journal and then self-archives a copy in a freely accessible institutional or specialist online archive known as a repository, or on a website. Libraries at many institutions can explain those models and guide authors to the proper repository options.

Next to those fundamental aspects, the EASP wants to give you an overview of benefits, but also issues that scientists may currently encounter.

1) Funder demands
A growing number of funders require that all publications coming out of that project are going to be published open access. Some funders want this to be gold OA, other are satisfied with green OA, and scientists need to familiarise themselves with the funder demands early on in the project planning. In some cases a certain amount of the budget was earmarked for these purposes, but more and more funders expect that scientists have sufficient open access options at hand anyway. This could be by means of open access contracts with publishers, so-called “deals”, or by means of internal funds paying for open access. If your grant is in this transition period, it is wise to check with the funder which policy is applicable and if there is lenience or room for green OA publication (in a journal behind the paywall, while making a preprint available on a repository). Currently, in many cases you may find that high impact journals are not (yet) part of open access agreements (that waive fees), but that at the same time, open access publication fees can be very high, and not covered by your institution. This may lead to the situation that you are bound to publish open access in lower impact journals than you would prefer.

2) Publication planning
In the past, when submitting their manuscript, scientists often followed a simple downward cascade in terms of journal impact factor. This may have gotten adjusted a bit by the understanding that not every paper will make into JPSP, for example, but essentially one was aiming as high as possible and had back-up plans. This uni-dimensional choice model is now becoming multi-dimensional. One of the novel dimensions is open access. It is smart to check with your institution (or national framework) which OA agreements have been put in place and what set of journals you can choose from. OA papers can be much easier publicised on social media, and have a much bigger impact on thematic research areas in which non-scientific audiences are relevant. At the same time, many open access journals do not enjoy the reputation their impact factor suggests. Especially PhD students and junior scientists should adjust their publication strategies accordingly and discuss with their supervisors which journals they are aiming for.

3) Multinational collaboration networks
Collaboration with scientists in a number of countries has become normal for some scientists, for a number of reasons. Sometimes the main driver is a comparative approach, or to gather a robust sample in many labs. Also, these collaborations are a common outcome of EASP summer school groups wanting to put their research plan into action. Such diverse groups usually spread across many countries and entail differences in academic budget availability. While scientist A, working in an OA background, can vouch for and achieve OA publications easily, a colleague B, in a scientific environment without such opportunities, is tied to publications behind a paywall with limited OA options. We advise to discuss such OA access differences early and not to delay them until authorship decisions are being made – and when (financial/budget) responsibility for OA can get in the way. This is especially pertinent if the research in question also received external funding (e.g., by one member of the group) and with this funding OA demands enter the discussion and decrease degrees of freedom for authorship discussion.

In sum, OA offers a number of great opportunities, especially in the context of making research findings available to a broad audience, but is requires (at least at the moment) some careful planning in terms of budget, journal selection and authorship planning.

Next EASP Presidency


Kai Jonas

We are pleased to announce that after a productive discussion we agreed to elect Kai Jonas as the next President of the EASP. We are fully convinced that Kai is capable to guide the EASP through a period of challenges that the Association is facing. We all know that the academic world is transforming faster than ever. The demands of our members are also changing. The EASP needs to change too. It needs to be more diverse, inclusive and more engaged in politically charged scientific contexts. It also needs to be more innovative and contribute to solving current pressing global issues. Finally, the EASP needs to put forward future legal formats, new forms of financing and incomes, and administration to be able to stay active. In other words, the EASP needs to become more professional, in terms of procedures, transparency, and activities. Kai, with his strong academic background in social psychology, ample experience in academic administration, and familiarity with current publishing policies is the perfect match for EASP leadership for the presidency of 2020-2023.

Update on EASP GM in Krakow

Katarzyna Jasko (EASP GM Organiser)

The next General Meeting of the EASP (2020) will take place in Krakow at the Jagiellonian University. Those of you who hoped to give their presentations in the Copernicus’ Room at Collegium Maius might be disappointed to hear that the meeting will be hosted at the most recently opened university venue – Auditorium Maximum. Nobody should worry though because discussions about the advancement of social psychology will be accompanied by the historical spirit present at both the opening reception and the conference dinner. On the first day of the conference you will be able to (re)connect with other participants in the gardens of the Archaeological Museum with an amazing* view of the Wawel castle. On the final day you can explore the jewels of the Jewish quarter, where the conference dinner will take place. Those who still cannot forget about the Copernicus’ Room, we hear you! The guided tours will be offered during the conference, so nobody will miss on anything. Details on how to become a part of this event and submit symposia, blitz sessions, and posters will follow soon. Stay tuned!

* Hopefully, it will not be a rainy view. Anyone who is doing research on optimism, magical thinking, and the effectiveness of rituals – We are counting on you!

Update on the Situation of Academics in Turkey

Here is a short update on Demet Islambay's court hearing, which was on March 7th, 2019, as well as the case of Professor Füsün Üstel.

It was Demet’s first trial. She had planned on making a statement of defence, but the court sent her case to Ankara (the city where the "crime" was committed) without considering her defence request. Currently, we do not know the courts will accept the case, nor do we have information on the next hearing date - just that the process has been prolonged.

Professor Füsün Üstel’s case went for appeal and her sentence was upheld. She will be starting a prison sentence of 15 months within the next 2 months.

Since the begin of hearings, academics have started receiving longer and longer sentences (some up to 36 months). Sentences over 24 months cannot be suspended, meaning that many others are likely to start serving their prison sentences. We would appreciate it if you could support and/or share the following links:

Yasemin (on behalf of SPPPT)

Claude Flament (1930-2019), a Tireless Discoverer

Claude Flament sitting to left of Henri Tajfel (from left, first row,
4th position) at the 1972 GM in Leuven

Claude Flament sitting to left of Henri Tajfel (from left, first row, 4th position) at the 1972 GM in Leuven

Talking about Claude Flament is an extremely difficult task because of the density that predominates regarding his career and his work. A career that began in Paul Fraisse’s Laboratory of Experimental and Comparative Psychology in the early 1950s. Claude Flament developed a very marked experimental orientation and an outright taste for experimental social psychology and theoretical and statistical modelling. He then went to Aix-en-Provence where he founded, in 1967, the laboratory of social psychology of which he will be the head until 1983. He supervised the Ph.D. dissertations carried out by Jean-Paul Codol and Jean-Claude Abric and the Michel-Louis Rouquette’s “Thèse d’Etat”. He was founding member of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, of which he was president from 1972 to 1975.

Claude Flament has been one of those pioneers of European Social Psychology alongside illustrious names in our discipline such as S. Moscovici, H. Tajfel, J.M. Nuttin, W. Doise, M. Mulder or G. Jahoda. He will be a great influence regarding the use of mathematical models, which was the topic of his talk at the first EAESP Conference in Sorrento in 1963. He will organise the 5th meeting of the Association in Aix-en-Provence in 1967.

His career in Aix-en-Provence (1961-2015) will be profoundly marked by his investment in what is called the central core theory. He will create and develop the structural approach of social representations with Jean-Claude Abric. A research career punctuated by methodological and theoretical innovations, founding texts, all in a constant and assumed concern of the study of the social fact. Claude Flament worked social phenomena with a sharpness and a hindsight that never left one indifferent. His interventions were all an opportunity for learning, which despite their sometimes brief and succinct nature, enabled his audience to nourish weeks and months of reflection.

Claude Flament was an innovative researcher, a tireless discoverer, he has always wanted to expand and grow research. Passionate about the Boole algebra, which he will adapt to the analysis of the questionnaires, he was a pioneer in the development of the graph theory and the creator of the similarity analysis that will be the first major methodological progress of the structural theory of social representations.

But Claude Flament was also a colleague and a totally approachable Research supervisor who did not count the hours he gave to the spread of knowledge. His investment in the doctoral training has marked a whole generation of young researchers through a seminar dedicated to them and that he conducted with his rigor, his benevolence and his malicious intelligence. Seeing young researchers working on their statistical software, he often reminded them that he himself carried out these analyses by hand when he was a young researcher, these factorial analyses on which he invested so much. Claude Flament fully mastered data analyses, he knew all the subtleties and was a gold mine of knowledge he never hesitated to share.

By his knowledge of social psychology, by his intuitions, by his intelligence of research, he was an example, a model for doctoral students whose work he was supervising. He was not always able to show the affection he had for them, but those who continued to work with him long after defending their Ph.D know that this affection was very real.

Claude Flament, a researcher constantly concerned about the social fact - and his work on the Guttman effect in ACP is the perfect illustration - was a man of conviction, openness, great culture, who never untied theory and method, an indispensable concern that is too often ignored nowadays. He will remain a model of experimental rigor, theoretical reflection and a model of transmission and innovation.

We had the immense privilege of being with him, learning by his side and reflecting with him. It is a mainstay of social psychology that leaves us and that will have forever marked our discipline.

C. Guimelli, P. Moliner, P. Rateau, G. Lo Monaco
Associated with these words S. Delouvée, A. Piermattéo, J. Guegan, J. L. Tavani

Claude Flament (1930-2019)


EFPA Aristotle Prize 2019 awarded to Prof. Dr. Naomi Ellemers, University Utrecht (Netherlands) 


Naomi Ellemers

The Aristotle Prize was given to EFPA by the President of the 4th European Congress of Psychology in 1995 Athens, Greece, to be awarded to a psychologist or group of psychologists from Europe who has/have made a distinguished contribution to psychology. On behalf of the Aristotle Prize Selection Committee, the chair Prof. Telmo Baptista stated the following:
  • Professor Ellemers is a worthy winner of the award, which in this way honors a very successful and influential career in the area of Social Psychology, being a major exponent of Social Identity Theory, a theoretical approach linked to European Social Psychology.
  • With more than 300 articles and chapters, Professor Ellemers has also been recognized for her contributions with renowned awards and a strong advocate for the recognition of Psychology beyond the academy, as a contribution to solve societal problems.

Therefore, the Selection Committee decided to elect Professor Ellemers as the recipient of the Aristotle Prize 2019. The award will be handed over to Professor Ellemers during the Opening Ceremony of the European Congress of Psychology in Moscow on Tuesday, July 2, 2019, and at this congress she will also give her key talk.

Call for Suggestions for Tajfel and Codol Awards

The Tajfel and Codol awards will be selected by the Executive Committee in October 2019. The awards will be handed over at the General Meeting in Krakow 2020.

The Henri Tajfel award recognises a distinguished lifetime contribution by a full member of EASP. The Jean-Paul Codol award recognises outstanding service to the Association or Social Psychology in Europe more generally.

Please see our website for more details on the awards. Although there is no open call for applications for these awards, the EC encourages suggestions from EASP members. Please take some time to consider your suggestions and contact the President of EASP at to make your views heard, with the name and a brief justification for your suggestion. All suggestions will be shared with, and considered by, the EC.

Deadline for suggestions is September 15, 2019.

Upcoming Meetings

A reminder of upcoming meetings, summer schools and events organised or sponsored by the EASP.

EASP Meeting: Annecy Interpersonal Relationships and Tech

May 24-25th, 2019, Annecy, France Application deadline: March 10th, 2019

EASP Meeting: Language Challenges in the 21st Century

June 20th-22nd, 2019, University of Warsaw, Poland; Application deadline: January 31st, 2019

RKTS Workshop: Building An LGBT European Social Psychology

June 21st-22nd, 2019, ISCTE-UEL; ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute, Portugal; Extended application deadline: May 1st, 2019

EASP Meeting: Intergroup Communication

June 26-28th, 2019, University of Bologna, Italy Submission deadline: January 31st, 2019

Joint EASP-SPSSI Meeting: Self-affirmation in Education: Why, when, and how are self-affirmation interventions effective at reducing educational inequalities?

June 27-28th, 2019 at University of Sussex, UK; Application deadline: December 15th, 2018

EASP Meeting: The Evolution, Emergence, Development, and Maintenance of Stereotypes

June 27-30th, 2019, Eyba/Saalfeld, Germany Extended application deadline: March 10th, 2019

EASP Meeting: Cognitive Conflicts: Taking a Cognitive Perspective on Social Phenomena

July 3rd-6th, 2019 at the Max Planck House in Tübingen, Germany; Application deadline: January 20th, 2019

EASP Meeting: Defeating the Seven-Headed Dragon: An Exploration into the Complex Self-Maintaining System that Causes Gender Inequality

September 26-28th, 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands Application deadline: March 1st, 2019

EASP Summer School in 2020... and in 2021

News of Upcoming Locations

Member Publications and Announcements

New Publication: Agency and Communion in Social Psychology

Edited by Andrea Abele and Bogdan Wojciszke; Routledge, 2018; ISBN: 978-1-138-57027-6

Conference: Forces and Forms of Doctoral Education

September 5–6th, 2019, Herrenhausen Castle, Hannover, Germany; Registration opens March 2019

Antti Eskola (1934–2018)

Obituary by Klaus Helkama

Amélie Mummendey (1944-2018)


Changes in the Author Guidelines for EJSP

Effective from February 1st, 2019

8th GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology

August 1st-23rd, 2019 in Cologne, Germany Registration now open!

3rd International Winter School: The Method of Imagination

December 2-5, 2019, University of Sydney Registration deadline: October 30th, 2019

New Publication: Serge Moscovici: Psychologie des représentations sociales

by Nikos Kalampalikis (Ed.); Paris, EAC, 2019 ISBN: 9782813003300

ISRE Preconference: Cultural Shaping of Emotion

July 10th, 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands Submission deadline: May 10th, 2019

Call for Papers to a Special Issue of GPIR, 'Rethinking the group: Group Processes in the Digital Age'

Submisson deadline: September 15th, 2019

Call for papers: 21st ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference

2-4th September, 2019; University of Bordeaux Sumission deadline: June 15th, 2019

Call for Papers: CRSP Special Issue on Psychological Processes and Applications of Nudging

Submission deadline: May 31st, 2019

Grant and Meeting Reports

Travel Grant Report by Frederik Wermser

University of Groningen, Netherlands; Research visit at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia

Report on EASP Meeting: Introducing Structure: Networks in Social Psychology

October 31st-November 3rd, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium; Organisers: Julia Eberlen & Olivier Klein

Travel Grant Report by Ruddy Faure

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands; Visit at Florida State University

Preliminary Seedcorn Grant Report by Branković, Essien, Goh, Goudeau, Lantos, Reimer and Veldman

Project: "The Hypocrisy of High Status: Does the Acceptability of Collective Actions Lie in the Eye of the Beholder?" (December 2018)

Seedcorn Grant Report by Simon Schindler

University of Kassel, Germany; Project: Potential Negative Consequences of Mindfulness in the Moral Domain

Seedcorn Grant Report by Kristina Petkova

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria; Project: The Challenged Identity. Struggles around the Council of Europe Convention

Report on EASP Meeting: Polarization, Populism, Political Alienation: Causes and Consequences of Social Diversity and Inequality?

Consultation and Discussion Seminar with a Focus on PhD Students and Postdocs: 1st-4th November, 2018, Landau, Germany

Seedcorn Grant Report by Bastiaan Rutjens

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; Project relating to the heterogeneous nature of belief in science and science skepticism

Pre-Registered Grant Report by Karolina Urbanska et al.

Karolina Urbanska (Université Clermont Auvergne), Shelley McKeown-Jones (University of Bristol), and Laura Taylor (Queen’s University Belfast)

Travel Grant Report by Laurent Licata

Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; Research visit to Universidad Mayor and COES

Travel Grant Report by Matthias S. Gobel

Brunel University London, UK; Research visit to the Kokoro Research Center in Japan

Seedcorn Grant Report by Schumann, Ehrke and Dupont

Sandy Schumann, University College London; Franziska Ehrke, University Koblenz-Landau; and Julia Dupont, University Koblenz-Landau

Travel Grant Report by Soraya Elizabeth Shamloo

University of Trieste, Italy; Research visit to Dr. Mauro Bianchi, Lusófona University, and ISCTE-IUL, Portugal

Travel Grant Report by Silvia Mari

University of Milano-Bicocca; Research visit to the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

Seedcorn Grant Report by Marie Hennecke and Maike Luhmann

University of Zürich, Switzerland; Project: “Beliefs about the malleability of life satisfaction and their effects”

Travel Grant Report by Sébastien Goudeau

Université Paris Descartes; Research visit to Professor Hazel Rose Markus at Stanford University

Seedcorn Grant Report by Lukas Wolf and Paul Hanel

University of Bath, UK; Project: The Persuasiveness of Value-Based Arguments in a Brexit Context

Preliminary Seedcorn Grant Report by Cristina Baldissarri

University of Milano-Bicocca; Project about the possible consequences of working self-objectification

Travel Grant Report by Teri Kirby

University of Exeter; Visit to New York University

New Members of the Association

The following applications for membership were approved by the Executive Committee in April 2019. Each applicant will become a member of the EASP in the category indicated below. Names of members providing letters of support are in the third line of each entry:

Full Membership
Dr. Bianca Acevedo
Santa Barbara, USA
E. Sarda, H. Ijzerman
Dr. Rhonda Balzarini
Orange, USA
H. Ijzerman, E. Sarda
Dr. Renata Bongiorno
Exeter, UK
T. Kurz, K. Peters
Dr. Benjamin Buttlar
Trier, Germany
K. Blask, G. Halbeisen
Dr. Katie Collins
Edmonton, Canada
A. Maass. R. Bourhis
Dr. Jim Everett
Caterbury, UK
R. Giner-Sorolla, A. Cichocka
Dr. Kerry Fox
Brighton, UK
M. Easterbrook, L. Tip

Dr. Lucia Hargasova
Bratislava, Slovakia
B. Lasticova, A. Kende

Dr. Mehmet Harma
Istanbul, Turkey
E. Sarda, H. Ijzerman
Dr. Mariela Jaffé
Basel, Switzerland
S. Rudert, R. Greifeneder
Dr. Margareta Jelić
Zagreb, Croatia
F. Butera, D. Corkalo
Dr. Tali Kleiman
Jerusalem, Israel
K. Sassenberg, Y. Schul
Dr. Richard Klein
Grenoble, France
H. Ijzerman, E. Sarda
Dr. Yasin Koc
Groningen, The Netherlands
R. Spears, V. Vignoles
Dr. Mengyao Li
Bonn, Germany
T. Rothmund, J. Sasse
Dr. Amy Moors
Orange, USA
E. Sarda, H. Ijzerman
Dr. Marlon Nieuwenhuis
Enschede, The Netherlands
M. Easterbrook, T. Kuppens
Dr. Evangelos Ntontis
Canterbury, UK
J. Drury, M. Easterbrook
Dr. Myrto Pantazi
Cambridge, UK
O. Klein, M. Bilewicz
Dr. Nebosja Petrovic
Belgrade, Serbia
H. Cakal, A. Kosic
Dr. Yiftach Ron
Jerusalem, Israel
C.J. Beukeboom, J. Roessel
Dr. Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez
Granada, Spain
R. Rodriguez-Bailon, J. Jetten
Dr. Wiktor Soral
Warsaw, Poland
K. Hansen, M. Kofta
Dr. Eftychia Stamkou
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A. Homan, G. van Kleef
Dr. Melis Ulug
Amherst, USA
Y. Acar, M. Chayinska
Dr. Esra Ummak
Copenhagen, Denmark
Y. Acar, C. Coskan
Dr. Karolina Urbanska
Clermon-Ferrand, France
S. Guimond, L. Taylor
Dr. Andrea Vial
New York, USA
S. Sczesny, J. Dovidio

Postgraduate Membership
Aydin Bayat
Bielefeld, Germany
A.Zick, Y. Acar
Chiara Bertolli
Padova, Italy
A. Maass, M. Cadinu
Michael Biddlestone
Kent, UK
A. Cichocka, J. Drury
Islam Borinca
Geneve, Switzerland
J.M. Falomir-Pichastor, L. Andrighetto
Giulia Buscicchio
Milan, Italy
P. Milesi, G. Bohner
Sara Csaba
Budapest, Hungary
A. Kende, Z.P. Szabo
Marija Dangubic
Utrecht, The Netherlands
I. Zezelj, T. Stark
Ben Davies
Kent, UK
D. Abrams, K. Banas
Karolina Dyduch-Hazar
Warsaw, Poland
C. Simao, R. Guerra
Georgie Eckersley
Keele, UK
S. Coen, M. Noor
Zyra Evangelista
Glasgow. UK
E. Papies, C. Lido
Juan D. Garcia Castro
Granada, Spain
R. Martinez, G.B. Willis
Lola Girerd
Boulogne, France
P. Chekroun, V. Bonnot
Ian Hadden
Falmer, UK
M. Easterbrook, V. Vignoles
Emma Henderson
Kingston, UK
J. Hansen, A. Coyle
Maximilian Hennig
Tübingen, Germany
M. Hütter, O. Corneille
Chiara Imperato
Parma, Italy
N. Cavazza, T. Mancini
Catho Jacobs
Leuven, Belgium
K. Phalet, C. van Laar
Daniel F. Jenei
Pecs, Hungary
Z.P. Szabó. O. Vincze
Pit Klein
Bruxelles, Belgium
V. Yzerbyt, O. Klein
Rabia I. Kodapanakkal
Tilburg, The Netherlands
J.W. van Prooijen, I. van Beest
Joanna Lindström
Stockholm, Sweden
T. Lindholm, N. Akrami
Maike Lösch
Erlangen, Germany
S. Bruckmüller, M. Steffens
Jana Mangels
Hamburg, Germany
M. Rougier, J. Degner
Aidan Murch
Bath, UK
G. Maio, G. Goclowska
Katarzyna Myslinslka Szarek
Sopot, Poland
W. Baryla, K. Bocian
Kenzo Nera
Bruxelles, Belgium
O. Klein, K. Douglas
Tom Nijs
Utrecht, The Netherlands
T. Stark, B. Martinovic
Wybren Nooitgedagt
Utrecht, The Netherlands
F. Fleischmann, B. Martinovic
Esra Oguz
Duzce, Turkey
J. Ullrich, M. Gezici Yalcin
Hilal Ozkececi
Canterbury, UK
D. Abrams, G. Randsley de Moura
Emily-Marie Pacheco
Glasgow, UK
E. Papies, C. Lido
Carlo Pistoni
Milan, Italy
S. Alfieri. P. Milesi
Xenia Daniela Poslon
Bratislava, Slovakia
A. Kende, B. Lasticova
Madeleine Pownall
Leeds, UK
R. Hutter, M. Conner
Larisa Riedijk
Utrecht, The Netherlands
B. Derks, R. van Veelen
Daniela Ruzzante
Trento, Italy
J. Vaes, M.P. Paladino
Berenice Saidah
Strasbourg, France
O. Rohmer, B. Dompnier
Bruno G. Salvador Casara
Padova, Italy
M. Cadinu, C. Suitner
Emma Sarter
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
A. Casini, O. Rohmer
Carolin Scheifele
Landau, Germany
M. Steffens, F. Ehrke
Magdalena Skrodzka
Warsaw, Poland
M. Bilewicz, K. Hansen
Nora Storz
Utrecht, The Netherlands
B. Martinovic, F. Fleischmann
Betül Tatar
Glasgow, UK
E. Papies, R. Custers
Gonneke Ton
Groningen, The Netherlands
M. van Zomeren, K. Stroebe
Francesca Trevisan
Surrey, UK
P. Hegarty, P. Rusconi
Giulia Valsecchi
Geneva, Switzerland
C. Kulich, J.M. Falomir-Pichastor
Pascaline Van Oost
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
M. Rougier, V. Yzerbyt
Mia Caroline Wyszynski
Lisbon, Portugal
R. Guerra, M. Bianchi

Grant Awards

The following members have received a grant from the EASP:

  • Yasemin Acar (Seedcorn grant)
  • Casey L. Bevens, and Jessica Boin et. al (Post-Summer School Seedcorn Grant)
  • Sebastian Cancino-Montecinos, and Bjarne Schmalbach et. al (Post-Summer School Seedcorn Grant)
  • Elisabetta Crocetti (Seedcorn grant)
  • Anissa Dumesnil (Travel Grant)
  • Peter Hegarty, Andrea Carnaghi, and Mauro Bianchi (RKTS)
  • Adrian Lüders (Travel Grant)
  • Nicole Methner et. al (Post-Summer School Seedcorn Grant)
  • Casey L. Bevens, and Jessica Boin et. al (Post-Summer School Seedcorn Grant)

Executive Committee

Jean-Claude Croizet (Meetings Officer),
Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale et Cognitive, UMR CNRS 6024, Université Clermont-Auvergne, 34 avenue Carnot, F-63037 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex, France

Ernestine Gordijn (Journals Officer),
Department of Social and Organizational Psychology, University of Groningen, Grote Kruisstraat 2/1, NL‑9712 TS Groningen, Netherlands

Kai Jonas (Treasurer),
Work and Social Psychology, Maastricht University, Universiteitssingel 40, NL‑6229 ER Maastricht, Netherlands

Małgorzata Kossowska (European Liaison Officer),
Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Ingardena 6, PL‑30‑060 Krakow, Poland

Torun Lindholm (Secretary),
Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, SE‑106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Monica Rubini (Grants Officer),
Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, I‑40126 Bologna, Italy

Kai Sassenberg (President),
Leibniz-Insitut für Wissensmedien, Schleichstr. 6, D‑72076 Tuebingen, Germany

Sibylle Classen (Executive Officer),
P.O. Box 420 143, D‑48068 Muenster, Germany


Executive Officer
Sibylle Classen
P.O. Box 420 143
D-48068 Muenster

Torun Lindholm
Stockholm University

Media Manager
Tina Keil

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